
Backwell Swimming Club is entirely reliant on volunteer members to run.  The current magnificent people in charge are found here.  If you're not already a committee member, please consider volunteering.  There are always jobs to do and the old adage of "more hands make light work" is definitely true around here.  Photos of many of the members can be found in the "Who's Who" section of the site.

Committee Members:

Chair - Colin Jackson
Vice Chair - Paul Nichols
Secretary - John Mason
Treasurer - Clare Wheeler

Welfare officer - Chrissie Manners

Liaison officer - Chrissie Manners

Membership secretary - Kerri Rogers

Coaching Staff :

Head Coach - Sue Rogers

Coach - Richard Bryant

Coach - Chrissie Manners

Coach - Suzanne Clarke

Coach - Colin Jackson

Coach - Clare Jones

Coach - Paul Whitesmith

Land Training Coach - Sue Rogers

Teachers and Young Volunteers:

Teacher/ Coach - Kerri Rogers

Teacher/ Coach - Lily H

Teacher - Martyn Rowland

Teacher - Michelle Bollitho

Teacher/ YV - Ash D

Teacher/ YV - Finn B

Teacher/ YV - Ruby W

Team Managers:

Rich, Sue, Colin, Naomi, Clare, Michelle, Amanda, Jo, and Francesca.

If any parents are interested in becoming a team manager to help at galas,

please do speak to someone on poolside to show your interest.


JS2 Official - Joanne Dodd

J2S Official - Paul Verkade

J2S Official - Richard Bryant

J2 Official - Simon Dodd

J2 Official - Michelle Bolitho

J1 Official - Yoka 

J1 Official - Jeenal Shah

J1 Official - Paul Nichols

J1 Official - Kate Liddell